Health Benefits of Onion

These flavorful bulbs are packed with essential minerals and nutrients. And they can be enjoyed either cooked or raw. Onions are super healthy and health experts across the globe recommend adding them to your diet. They are excellent sources of phytochemicals, flavonoids, sulfuric compounds, and vitamin C. The following are the potential health benefits of onions that you must consider.  

#1 Helps boost digestive health 

Onions are one of the few vegetables that have prebiotics and in abundance. These are essential components for the optimal health of your gut. Prebiotics in onions is broken down by the good bacteria in your intestine and create short-chain fatty acids. According to studies, short-chain fatty acids are responsible for strengthening gut health, enhancing digestion, reducing inflammation in the stomach, and ultimately boosting immunity. As per the experts, foods rich in prebiotics aid digestive health and may help improve the absorption of essential minerals like calcium and iron that can help enhance the production of red blood cells as well as improve bone health.   

#2 Onions have antibacterial properties 

The antibacterial properties of onion prevent the growth of bacteria inside our bodies. A recent study found that the antibacterial properties of onion can inhibit the growth of Vibrio cholerae, which is a significant health concern in third-world countries. 
Onions contain a compound called quercetin, which boasts powerful properties to kill bacteria. A study demonstrated that quercetin extracted from onion successfully prevented the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that can infect different organs and parts of the body. Therefore, adding onions to your diet can help you fight bacterial infections. 

#3 Onions may boost bone density 

Onions have been associated with boosting bone density and strength. Onions are a rich source of mineral, which plays a crucial role in enhancing bone strength. Since onions are rich in prebiotics, it helps your gut to absorb essential minerals like calcium, which is essential for bone health. 
Those suffering from joint pain and chronic diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis are advised to include onions in their daily diet as onions can help reduce oxidative stress, decrease bone loss, and boost antioxidant levels, which may boost bone loss and prevent osteoporosis.  

#4 Helps maintain blood sugar levels

Compounds like sulfur and quercetin are known to boast anti-diabetic effects. Onions contain these two compounds in abundance. Thus, consuming onions daily can help you control your blood sugar levels to a great extent. 

#5 Onions contain cancer-fighting components 

According to several studies, eating 1-7 servings of onions every week may help you lower the risk of ovarian, laryngeal, and colorectal cancer. On the other hand, eating a couple of servings or more per day may help reduce the risk of esophageal and oral cancer. As per the health experts, quercetin found in onions boasts anti-cancer properties that can inhibit cancer cells in lung, endometrial, ovarian, prostate, colon, and breast tumors. 
Onions are also very high in antioxidants that help kill cancer-causing cells by removing free radicals from the body. Many studies claim that the antioxidants present in onions can help lessen the side effects that occur from cancer treatments. 

#6 Boosts immunity

The polyphenols present in onions act as antioxidants that protect the body against free radicals. When your immune system is not strong and healthy, it protects your body against external viruses and microorganisms trying to enter the body. That means conditions like colds, flu, etc. will be kept at bay. On the other hand, when we talk about a healthy immune system, it means that you have a properly functioning digestive system. Your gut health and immune system are directly related to each other. If your gut is healthy, it makes way for a strong immune system. As per the University of Maryland Medical Center, antioxidants and quercetin in onions help reduce allergic reactions by inhibiting your body from making histamines. Histamines are responsible for making you itch, cry, and sneeze if you have an allergic reaction. 

#7 May help lower cholesterol 

Good news for heart patients! Eating onions may reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The high amounts of chromium and antioxidants present in onion help the arteries to pump blood thoroughly from the heart and to all parts of the body. These components make sure that your arteries and blood vessels are properly transporting blood while removing any cholesterol buildup on their walls. This ensures proper and healthy functioning of the heart. 

#8 Aids weight loss 

As there is proof that onions help with digestive health, experts believe that it can largely help those who are trying to lose weight. With proper gut functioning and digestion of food, you won’t feel constipated. The antioxidants in onions help in the proper digestion of food. When you have regular and healthy bowel movements, your body will release excess toxins. The antioxidants also help in cutting down fat from the body. So, adding onions to can help boost the process. 

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